Asociatia Caritas se implica activ pentru imbunatatirea nivelului de trai al societatii noastre prin programe complexe. Aceste actiuni sunt intreprinse prin programe socio-medicale, educationale sau cele destinate persoanelor defavorizate.
Activitatea Asociatiei Caritas sprijina “civilizatia iubirii si a solidaritatii in Romania”, dupa cum prevede si viziunea Caritas Internationalis. Programele acestei asociatii au menirea de a combate injustitia, inegalitatea si discriminarea sociala.
Sunt prevazute activitati de sprijin in cazul dezastrelor naturale, saraciei, dar si programe educationale la nivel national. In cadrul acestor programe, Asociatia Caritas evidentiaza valori precum compasiunea, dreptatea si solidaritatea sociala.
Asociatia Caritas contribuie la combaterea saraciei prin centrele sociale unde se distribuie hrana, imbracaminte si chiar mobilier persoanelor defavorizate. Exista de asemenea programe care previn abandonul familial si pe cel scolar, iar in 2005 au fost demarate chiar programe pentru prevenirea traficului de persoane.
Firma de curatenie Piontani Services dovedeste responsabilitate sociala prin activitatile umanitare intreprinse in diverse proiecte prin care sprijina comunitatea.
Dupa cum s-a evidentiat pana in prezent, firma de curatenie din Bucuresti se implica in combaterea saraciei prin sprijinul intregii comunitati din Valea Plopului. Mai mult decat atat, directorul executiv Ionel Ghita chiar a devenit parintele spiritual al unui micut din aceasta comunitate.
Ulterior, firma de curatenie profesionala Piontani Services a dovedit ca sprijina educatia, dezvoltarea si remarcarea tinerelor talente din Romania. Un prim pas a fost atins prin sponsorizarea participarii micutei balerine Briana Stanciu la Finala Mondiala de dans.
De asemenea, Piontani Services sustine importanta existentei unor asociatii precum Caritas in Romania. Astfel, Piontani Services considera ca “activitatea umanitara intreprinsa de Asociatia Caritas este un sprijin real pentru comunitate”.
Mai mult, firma de curatenie din Bucuresti a decis sa-si arate in mod eficient sustinerea si aprecierea pentru activitatea Asociatiei Caritas. Piontani Services a asigurat aparatura necesara, echipamentele si produsele de curatenie profesionala necesare curateniei generale in cadrul noului sediu al Asociatiei Caritas din Bucuresti.
Curatenia generala dupa constructor reprezinta o activitate dificila si solicitanta pentru echipele firmelor de curatenie. Cu toate acestea, voluntarii echipei conduse de directorul executiv Ionel Ghita se considera “foarte mandri si bucurosi ca impreuna pot realiza si astfel de lucruri, sprijinind asemenea asociatii”.
De asemenea, Asociatia Caritas detinea peste 100 de scaune pe care nu le mai putea folosi in programele sociale, tapiteria acestora fiind impregnata cu pete foarte dificil de indepartat. Ionel Ghita, directorul executiv al firmei de curatenie Piontani Services, a gasit o solutie ingenioasa pentru a economisi banii destinati achizitionarii scaunelor noi.
“Stiu ce reprezinta sprijinul Asociatiei Caritas pentru oamenii aflati la nevoie, care se bazeaza pe ajutorul lor. Gandindu-ma la acesti oameni, am gasit solutia optima sa curatam scaunele respective. Astfel, asociatia a putut directiona bugetul necesar scaunelor noi catre cei care aveau cea mai mare nevoie.” declara Ionel Ghita.
Echipamentele si solutiile de curatenie utilizate de firma Piontani Services sunt de cea mai buna calitate. Folosind un produs profesional pentru curatenie pe care l-au importat din Polonia, echipa Piontani Services a reusit sa curete scaunele cu succes, astfel incat sa poata fi folosite pentru activitatea Asociatiei Caritas.
Firma de curatenie Piontani Services indeamna toate companiile sa ii urmeze exemplul si sa ajute cum pot comunitatea in care activeaza. “Prin munca voluntara, echipamente si produse puse la dispozitie sau chiar donatii in bani, vom putea contribui la cresterea nivelului de trai al societatii!” spune Ionel Ghita.
Piontani Services supports the activity of Caritas Association
Caritas Association involves actively in the improvement of the standard of living of our society through complex programmes. These actions are carried out through social-medical, educational programmes or programmes for disadvantaged people.
The activity of Caritas Association supports “the civilization of love and solidarity in Romania”, in agreement with the vision of Caritas Internationalis. The programmes of this association are meant to fight injustice, inequality and social discrimination.
Supporting activities in case of natural disasters and poverty are specified, and also national educational programmes. Within these programmes, Caritas Association highlights values such as sympathy, justice or social solidarity.
Caritas Association contributes to the fight against poverty through the social centers where food, clothing and even furniture is distributed to disadvantaged people. There are also programmes which prevent family and school abandonment, and programmes for the prevention of human trafficking were started in 2005.
The Piontani Services cleaning firm proves social responsibility through the humanitarian activities carried out in various projects via which it supports the community.
As it has been pointed out so far, the cleaning firm in Bucharest involves in the fight against poverty by supporting the entire community in Valea Plopului. Furthermore, the managing director Ionel Ghita has become the spiritual father of a little one from this community.
Consequently, the Piontani Services professional cleaning firm has proven its support for the education, development and distinguish ability of the young talents in Romania. A first step was taken by sponsoring the participation of the little ballerina Briana Stanciu in the dance World Final.
Also, Piontani Services supports the importance of the presence in Romania of associations such as Caritas. Thus, Piontani Services believes that “the humanitarian activity carried out by Caritas Association is a real support for the community”.
Moreover, the cleaning firm in Bucharest has decided to show efficiently its support and appreciation for the activity of Caritas Association. Piontani Services has provided the necessary devices, equipment and professional cleaning products necessary for the general cleaning in the new headquarters of Caritas Association in Bucharest.
The general after builders cleaning is a difficult and challenging activity for the teams of the cleaning firms. However, the volunteers on the team led by the managing director Ionel Ghita feel “very proud and happy that together they can also accomplish such things by supporting such associations”.
Also, Caritas Association had more than 100 chairs which could no longer be used in the social programmes as their upholstery was impregnated with stains which were very difficult to remove. Ionel Ghita, the managing director of the Piontani Services cleaning firm, found a clever solution to save the money intended to be used for the acquisition of new chairs.
“I know what the support of Caritas Association means to the people in need who rely on their help. Thinking of these people, I found the optimum solution to clean those chairs. Thus, the association could dedicate the budget necessary for the new chairs to those who needed it the most.” states Ionel Ghita.
The cleaning solutions and equipment used by the Piontani Services firm are of best quality. Using a professional cleaning product imported from Poland, the Piontani Services team has succeeded in cleaning the chairs so that they can be used in the activity of Caritas Association.
The Piontani Services cleaning firm urges all companies to follow its example and help in any way they can the community in which they operate. “With volunteer work, equipment and products put at their disposal or even donations of money, we shall be able to contribute to the increase of the life standard of the society!” says Ionel Ghita.